Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to us.

To better protect your privacy, we provide this notice explaining our online information practices and the choices you can make about the way your information is collected and used.

Elevated Background Checks is committed to protecting your privacy and the privacy of your applicants and employees. It is a Elevated Background Checks policy that company and personal information such as name, address, phone number, e-mail, and search results is kept private and confidential. We do not sell or rent your company or personal information to others. We use customer information only for the purposes of setting up your profile, delivering our service, enhancing the operation of our site, and administering our systems. We may use third parties to assist in delivering our employment background check service, to serve site content, or to help administer customer emails. In such cases, we only provide access to the information needed to do their job, and we require that they abide by our strict privacy policy.

When you visit our online web site, we may collect usage information, such as the URL you came from, your IP address and domain type (e.g., .com or .org, etc.), your browser type, the country, state and telephone area code where your server is located, the pages of our site that were viewed during a visit, and any search terms that you entered on our site. This information is used for internal purposes only and helps us to continually improve our web site and online service delivery.

Our focus on privacy and security is reflected in both our technology and the way we work.

We have built our entire system so that neither customers nor employees can access company, employee or applicant information without an appropriate password. In addition, we employ SSL data encryption when data is transmitted over the Internet, and have installed firewalls to prevent external “hacking” into our system. We also periodically commission external security experts to attempt to gain unwarranted access to our system, to ensure that no security breaches exist. Our emphasis on privacy and security is equally reflected in the way we work. Each employee and all contractors of Elevated Background Checks receive a thorough background check. In addition, security training is part of every new employment orientation

  • ISO 9001:2000 Certified Data Center
  • 256-Bit Double SSL
  • Double Firewall
  • Redundant Server
  • Redundancy Power Supply
  • Backed Up Real Time
  • 24/7 Proactive Intrusion Monitoring System
  • Secure Building
  • Secure Office